21 ECTS credits
570 h study time

Offer 2 with catalog number 4011055FNR for all students in the 1st and 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.

1st and 2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Taught in
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Educational team
Koen Lombaerts (course titular)
Karen Triquet
Jaël Muls
Activities and contact hours

570 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content


The study guide "Internship Educational Sciences" describes in detail all the modalities of this course: organisation, tasks, realisation in practice, guidance, intermediate and final evaluation.

The guide can be found at www.vub.ac.be/EDWE and on the learning platform

Additional info

During the internship, students are monitored, individuallt and as a group, during a number of seminars.

Learning Outcomes

General competencies

The pedagogical internship aims to introduce students to the pedagogical and educational field of action. Students learn to cope with educational methods, insights and concepts in real practice. Of course they receive the guidance needed to complete this challenge. As the internship evolves, the student receives more responsibilities and will work independently. Core competencies that were achieved through the programme are further developed, practiced and examined in relation to the educational practice. The apprentice will become acquainted with the reality of the pedagogical field during a 4 month period.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
SELF Internship determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the SELF Internship category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Stageverslag with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 33.3% of the final mark.

    Note: De evaluatieprocedures en -criteria worden uitvoerig beschreven in de 'Richtlijnen Onderwijskundige Stage'.
    Er is een permanente evaluatie voorzien door de stagementor (stageplaats. en een tussentijdse en eindevaluatie door de stagebegeleider (VUB). De eindevaluatie gebeurt op basis van het stageverslag, de evaluatie door de mentor en een gesprek met de stagebegeleider.
  • gesprek met de stagebegeleider with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 33.3% of the final mark.

    Note: De evaluatieprocedures en -criteria worden uitvoerig beschreven in de 'Richtlijnen Onderwijskundige Stage'.
    Er is een permanente evaluatie voorzien door de stagementor (stageplaats. en een tussentijdse en eindevaluatie door de stagebegeleider (VUB). De eindevaluatie gebeurt op basis van het stageverslag, de evaluatie door de mentor en een gesprek met de stagebegeleider.
  • evaluatie door de mentor with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 33.3% of the final mark.

    Note: De evaluatieprocedures en -criteria worden uitvoerig beschreven in de 'Richtlijnen Onderwijskundige Stage'.
    Er is een permanente evaluatie voorzien door de stagementor (stageplaats. en een tussentijdse en eindevaluatie door de stagebegeleider (VUB). De eindevaluatie gebeurt op basis van het stageverslag, de evaluatie door de mentor en een gesprek met de stagebegeleider.

Additional info regarding evaluation

Evaluation pocedures and criteria are described in the internship study guide. Ongoing evaluation is practiced by the mentor and the internship assistant. Final evaluation is based upon the internship report, the evaluation by the mentor and a final interview by the internship assistant.

The internship report can - on request of the student and if approved by the internship assistant - be written in another language than Dutch.


Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Educational Sciences: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)